Advertising in Outbrain & Taboola

Exposing your brand to the right audience

Exposing your brand on major content sites

Quality inquiries from relevant users
High quality professional content

Low cost compared to a PR content writer

Advertising in Outbrain and Taboola -
what does it mean?

Outbrain and Tabula are platforms that integrate marketing articles on major content sites in Israel under the tabs “more headlines”, “may be of interest to you” or “additional articles that may interest you”.

The articles are apart of the content articles of the main website (for example, on the Ynet website), and are formulated as interesting articles in the guise of neutral articles, and attract the readers to further interest, clicking on the links within the article and leaving details.

For this reason, the users who leave details are warm leads who have read the content and want to know more.

What is the work process with SEO Israel?

  • Building a strategy and choosing a topic for promotion
  • Writing professional content for articles
  • Uploading the content on the relevant platform
  • Campaign management and creating A/B testing
  • Receiving quality inquiries
  • Continuous performance measurement and optimization

Who should advertise in Tabula & Outbrain?

  • Businesses that want to get exposure
  • Businesses that want to receive quality leads
  • Businesses that are willing to invest a budget for advertising on a unique platform
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